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tv   Inside Washington  PBS  February 12, 2010 8:30pm-9:00pm EST

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>> what do you think [unintelligible] can it be biodegradable? or clothing? for madison that fights cancer? -- or medicine that fights cancer. >> i have never seen anything like this. there is nothing on the road.
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>> record snowfall shuts down the federal government. did anybody notice? >> i am willing to move on. [inaudible] but there has to be some give from their side. >> the president calls for a bipartisan summit on jobs and health care reform. [inaudible] >> we need a commander in chief, not a professor in law. >> president sarah palin? the majority of americans say she is not qualified. and the passing of the congressmen. >> [inaudible] [inaudible] captioned by the national captioning institute
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>> we have had some weather over the past couple of weeks, but heavier snow for -- the heaviest snowfall in a century. there are millions of dollars in lost productivity. let's think positively. the president is trying to bury the hatchet with republicans, and calling for a bipartisan summit to see if they can work on jobs in the health care. >> bipartisanship can not mean simply that democrats give up everything they believe and. that is not how it works -- give up everything they believe in. >> in a new poll, the majority of americans disapprove of how the president is
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handling the economy. given those numbers, why would republicans bother to do it? why not let things go where they are? >> there are many that want to do that. that carries some risk because part of the frustration is that nothing is getting down. if the white house can make voters believe it is the republicans' fault, then they could pay for that. >> [inaudible] the president tried to do it his way. he said i won the election. without [inaudible] he failed, to blame it on republicans is impossible. now he has to pettitte and he
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wants to demonstrate he is reaching across the aisle. -- now be has to pivot. >> he is trying to bury the hatchet with republicans. let's talk about bipartisanship. the american people are sick of the bipartisanship and the country, and the administration knows that. as long as he is pushing that line, he has them on the defensive. >> 81% of americans in a new poll believe members of congress don't deserve reelection. how about them apples? >> [inaudible] they have forgotten how to be bipartisan. it is a muscle they have not exercised in so long.
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this is so unnatural and foreign to them that they always fall back on partnership. >> i wonder if this is a great opportunity for republicans or a trap. >> i don't think we knew the answer. i think this is mostly a trap because they are very suspicious about the motives of the white house, and whether democrats in congress will go along with this. they are right to be very suspicious of that. everyone is talking about they have forgotten how to be bipartisan. if you look at the majority of congress, they can in after 1919 of four -- they came in after 1994. we have to go back more than two decades to find any kind of bipartisanship.
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>> [inaudible] nancy pelosi's increase in the public disagreements with president obama are a reflection of something deeper. -- increasingly public disagreements. >> they are complaining with good cause. they gave them the health care bill. it is the senate bill that has been the hold up. they carried the president's water for them and he has not responded appropriately. that is trouble there. nancy pelosi said [inaudible] when it comes to afghanistan, she told the president you are on your own. >> this whole attack on republicans is -- after all, for
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one year up until two weeks ago the democrats could have passed anything on their own. they could have made an italian the official language of the u.s. they were the ones to try to do health care and did not succeed. they tried on cap and trade and give unsexy. now the president -- and did not succeed. on healthcare, i cannot imagine how you would reconstruct this endeavor using republicans in a way that will ever pass. >> congress, maybe all of washington is like the middle east. nobody trusts anyone else. it is always hit back. the public hates that. if that -- is anybody capable of breaking through this?
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that has to be the president. the president has to do some great things, i'd give up some democratic holy grails, and make efforts towards compromise. >> 70% of americans are dissatisfied with washington. not quite the republican party being described. rush limbaugh represents [inaudible] he is ordering the party to say, no. [inaudible] [inaudible] that is what they're listening to. >> 70% of voters are of said about nothing getting done. -- 70% of voters are upset.
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the only way we can unlock a box in washington is we have now seen a democrat louis. we have to see a republican lewis -- we have to see a democrat lose. -- we have to see a republican lose. >> the reason it did not pass on this major initiative is not a matter of style, it is a matter of substance. he tried to revolutionize health care in a way that the country said know. -- the country said no. he tried a left-wing agenda and did not succeed. >> what do the numbers tell us about republicans and sarah
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palin? >> sarah palin fet party convention in nashville. is there a presidential run -- sarah palin at the tea party convention. >> a new polll indicates 55% have an unfavorable view of sarah palin. 71% don't think she is qualified to be president. here we are talking about sarah palin again. >> let that balloon rise as far as possible so we can shoot it down, but there are [inaudible] don't assume she is a loser. >> a gallup poll looking ahead to the 2012 election indicates that four in ten people don't have a candidate in mind, certainly not sarah palin. >> if you had to bring a front
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runner you would probably say mitt romney. there are a bunch of young people in congress, governors we will hear about. regarding sarah palin, i am with the 71%. i think she is a talent, i don't dislike her, but i think there is a lack of substance in a way that is scary. her popularity is amazing to me. >> nearly two-thirds of americans know almost nothing about what tea party stands for. >> there is a problem because the tea party people often don't agree what they stand for. it makes it hard for the public to sort out that thing. >> sarah palin disagrees with
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the president about national security. that goes along with the american people. >> compared to what sarah palin -- sarah palin does one thing very well, she speaks in cliches but does that have any substance. i have watched her speak at the conventions and listen to her in the interview. it was embarrassing to the point where you want to avert your days when she starts to talk. very simple-minded. i understand she has a following, [inaudible] everybody needs to have a little mediocre representation. that is what i am. that is what she is. >> she is selling an awful lot of books. a lot of people turned out to
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sign them. >> she has a passionate base. it is a good thing to have. tim pawlenty does not have a big passionate base, he is considered a republican front runner, even though we are early in the process. i don't know if she will run or not. newt gingrich, i interviewed him about her future, had recommended that she do this celebrity thing and make money, but start to develop a few issues she could own and demonstrate credibility. she has not done that yet. that is probably a piece of her she needs to put together before she can run. >> [inaudible] even charles krauthammer is against term. the argument she will get the republican majority is unfounded. >> this whole tea party thing, they don't know what they are talking about.
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there is something that will have an impact. >> it is all part of the 70%. >> let me speak as charles krauthammer here. you brought up a poll number of how many people don't know about the two-party. this is a case of journalistic malpractice. it is the elite media who ate more them. it does not have a leader beijing the elite media ignored them. -- via lead to the media ignored them. -- the slite media ignored them. these are serious people who don't want expansion of the government. that is what it is about. this is small government
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conservatism. >> they also said that we want to take back our government. who are they talking about? >> the other guy has a government, special interests or whatever. >> [inaudible] >> wait until someone suggests we take care of medicare. then how will they feel about government? >> [inaudible] >> [inaudible] they could take on the most formidable he military formation in history. it is startling. and they won. >> charlie wilson died this week. he managed to convince congress
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that it was possible to help the tribesmen in afghanistan, but we are still feeling the aftershocks. >> we sure are. a lot of unintended consequences. now we have these crazy tribesmen trying to kill us. it shows you how [inaudible] >> there was a scene in the movie where a cia agent says why don't we not get involved in this? >> charlie wilson was [inaudible] he was a warrior. it was interesting work that the carter administration -- they were a fierce supporter not because of the development, but addressing what was a threat
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from the soviet union. [inaudible] he was a very serious thinker on foreign policy. >> the aftermath is constant ironies of history. you have an ally, you helped them win and then it -- look at what happened in world war ii period soviets were our allies and then we spent the next 50 years saving s -- saving ourselves from them. >> the subcommittee was jack murtha who died again this week -- who also died this week. champion of the u.s. military, a man who knew how to bring home the bacon. i >> he was under investigation
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from the justice department because of his earmarking and sending money back home to his district for projects. he would say i am doing this for my constituents and my country, but that was his job. he was unapologetic about it, although investigators were hot on his trail. >> there couldn't be more -- there couldn't be two people more unlike. >> but they are all larger-than- life. bravery is not a quality i associate with capitol hill. there are not too many lions up there. >> the president's assistant for homeland security -- [inaudible]
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after he wrote that people who play politics with national security only serve the goals of al qaeda. what do we think about that? >> they are on the wrong side of the issue. this is aggrandizing of the christmas day bomber. -- this is mirandizing of the christmas day bomber. he says if you question us on national security, if you are helping al qaeda. they don't have a case here. it is a mistake to keep going over on this issue. it was a mistake to do a and if you capture a terrorists in the act of committing terror, your first obligation is to get information. >> they are getting information. this is not new. the shoe bomber was under bush's
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watch. he got his miranda rights read to him within five minutes after getting off the airplane. i find this ironic for republicans to object to this language given that they spent years morphing democrats faces in to al qaeda figures, and saying if you are not with us than you are against us. >> [inaudible] i think he made a mistake from his position to call into question that members of congress are aiding and abetting al qaeda. >> it is a red flag. it has been pointed out under any system you get your randle rights read. obama talked about this and
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backed off -- get your miranda rights read. he questioned them and then a new team of prosecutors comes in to read him his rights. that needs to be the law, but they did not do that. they have this situation where you had to read the miranda rights. rexene know if you are in a military system you don't have iran their rights. -- you know if you are in a military system you don't have crandell rights. -- you done have miranda rights. obama's director of national intelligence said it was a mistake to mirandize him before. it was never -- it does not even exist now. one otheother issue with the she
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bomber -- there was that even a military committee for that. the alternative did not exist at the time. the bush administration di made a mistake. >> civil verses military? >> this is where you have to be pragmatic and decide on a case by case basis. which serves the national interest? you have to have all this parties at the table. you cannot just have the justice department, they have to all come together and ask the kind of questions. >> where do you charged these people? new york city? that was a terrible mistake.
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he ought to be tried in military commission. khalid shaikh mohammed already pled guilty, so is not as if you would get a better connection chance in civil court. he ought to be in guantanamo. everything is set up, and not have a circus and near >> city. >> i thought we were going to close guantanamo. -- and not the new york city. >> they could use the word. -- they could use the work. is this a red herring? >> that would be an incredible expense, but he is a huge target. we're outside of new york is a hard question. >> the president getting involved with deciding where to do this. it ought not to happen. we ought to be able to have
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people in government work this out. >> [inaudible] they promised they would shut it down. it is impossible to do it. it will probably not happen in this administration. on the veranda and rights and the idea that it was eric holder -- on the miranda rights. all of this is not obama plus default. >>. -- it is not obama's fault. >> we will see. some "inside washington" snow stories. >> we have not been functioning well for the past 10 years anyway, so shut it down now for a few days. >> the federal government shut
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down for four days because of the great blizzard. as of tuesday night there was not a roll of toilet paper to be found within 100 miles of capitol hill. >> marion barry sent a letter to the mayor of d.c. asking him to call the national guard. marion barry said, you are facing the kind of charges i faced with the snow storm of 1987. marion barry was nowhere near the nation's capital, he was in california getting his manicured. >> when he returned his plan -- he was asked for his clan fort snow clearing. >> only -- ask for his plan for snow clearing. >> the people against global
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warming say, it is cold. >> [inaudible] >> the biggest thing this storm did for me and many parents is seeing a huge transformation in our children, because my daughter cannot wait to get back to school. >> that is a lovely thought. >> on wednesday afternoon i had to go to fox. connecticut avenue had no markers and could not see anything. it was fantastic. >> the police chief is a [inaudible] thanks, see you next week. >> for a transcript of this broadcproviding service to >> for a transcript of this
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